VoIP Statistics

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voipstats database

Description of table cdr

field type example description
calldate timestamp without time zone 2010-10-26 12:00:00 The start time of the call
clid character varying(80) "Big Bird" <12565551212> The full caller ID, including the name, of the calling party.
src character varying(80) 12565551212 The calling party’s caller ID number
dst character varying(80) 102 The destination extension for the call
dcontext character varying(80) SER_Asterisk The destination extension for the call.
channel character varying(80) SIP/kamailio-a1bc23ef The calling party’s channel.
dstchannel character varying(80) SIP/102-a1bc23e7 The called party’s channel.
lastapp character varying(80) Dial The last dialplan application that was executed.
lastdata character varying(80) SIP/102,30,tT The arguments passed to the lastapp.
duration integer 195 The number of seconds between the calldate and endcalldate times for the call.
billsec integer 180 The number of seconds between the answer and endcalldate times for the call.
disposition character varying(45) ANSWERED An indication of what happened to the call. This may be NO ANSWER, FAILED, BUSY, ANSWERED, or UNKNOWN.
amaflags integer The Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) flag associated with this call. (not used)
accountcode character varying(20) An account ID.(not used)
userfield character varying(255) A general-purpose user field. (not used)
fallback character varying(50) 1 Indication if this call fallback (1 - true  ; 0 or empty - false)
totalrtp1in integer 3000 Total of RTP packets incomming at calling party
totalrtp1out integer 4000 Total of RTP packets outgoing at calling party
lostrtp1 integer 20 Number of lost rtp packets at calling party
tlatency1 integer 2 Maximun latency at calling party
tjitter1 integer 1 Maximun jitter at calling party
alatency1 integer 2 Average latency at calling party
ajitter1 integer 1 Average jitter at calling party
codec1 character varying(50) GSM Audio/Video Codec at calling party
signalling1 character varying(50) SIP Signalling protocol at calling party
callerid1 character varying(50) 100 Callerid at calling party
ip1 character varying(50) IP at calling party
totalrtp2in integer 3000 Total of RTP packets incomming at called party
totalrtp2out integer 4000 Total of RTP packets outgoing at called party
lostrtp2 integer 20 Number of lost rtp packets at called party
tlatency2 integer 2 Maximun latency at called party
tjitter2 integer 1 Maximun jitter at called party
alatency2 integer 2 Average latency at called party
ajitter2 integer 1 Average jitter at called party
codec2 character varying(50) GSM Audio/Video Codec at called party
signalling2 character varying(50) SIP Signalling protocol at called party
callerid2 character varying(50) 102 Callerid at called party
ip2 character varying(50) IP at called party
srcipb character varying(80) 12565551212 The calling party’s caller ID number (this value is more accurate that src)
dstipb character varying(80) 102 The destination extension for the call (this value is more accurate that dst)
transfered integer 1 Indication if this call was transfered (1 - true ; 0 or empty - false)
monitorfile character varying(100) /home1/_voip/monitoring/2011-07-15-21:02:00_ipmtel007_ipmtel027_1310760120.0.MP3 Temporary file path of call recording
uniqueid character varying(24) 1425102718.0 Unique Channel Identifier
utilizador character varying(255) 10014 ' uidnumber of destination user
endcalldate timestamp without time zone 2010-10-26 12:00:00 The end time of the call
functionstamp character varying(80) 1289906050.39986-QUEUE_3 Unique Identifier of the function used
lastdst character varying(80) 102 The last called party.
route character varying(80) 0801_VipVoz Name of the route used or name of the funtion used
direction integer 1 Direction of the call (not used)
uniqueid2 character varying(80) 1425102718.0 Unique Call Identifier
enum character varying(80) 1 Indication if this call use ENUM Lookup (1 - true  ; 0 or empty - false)