Consultation and synchronization of remote contacts on IPBrick

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It is possible to perform two types of LDAP search on Yealink phones:

  1. IPBrick LDAP users
  2. IPBrick Contacts (

Relevant information:

  • Name of the server (FQDN):
  • IP (ETH0):
  • Contacts:
    • IPBrick contacts user, with reading permissions: yealink_contacts
    • Password: *************

IPBrick LDAP Users

##It enables or disables LDAP feature.0-Disabled,1-Enabled.
##The default value is 0.
ldap.enable = 1
##It configures the criteria for searching the contact name attributes.
##Example:ldap.name_filter = (|(cn=%)(sn=%)).
##The default value is blank.
## ldap.name_filter = (&(|(cn=%)(sn=%))(|(SIPIdentityVoipUserAlias=*)(mobile=*)(telephoneNumber=*)(SIPIdentityDefaultPhone=*)))
ldap.name_filter = (&(|(cn=%)(sn=%))(|(SIPIdentityVoipUserAlias=*)(mobile=*)(telephoneNumber=*)(SIPIdentityDefaultPhone=*))(|(objectClass=qmailUser)(&(objectclass=contact)(o=ipbrick))))
##It configures the criteria for searching the contact number attributes.
##Example:ldap.number_filter = (|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)(ipPhone=%))
##The default value is blank.
ldap.number_filter = (|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)(ipPhone=%)(pager=%)(departmentNumber=%)(SIPIdentityDefaultPhone=%)(facsimiletelephonenumber=%)(SIPIdentityVoipUserAlias=%))
##It configures the IP address or domain name of the LDAP server.
##The default value is blank. =
##It configures the port of the LDAP server.
##The default value is 389.Integer from 1 to 65535.
ldap.port = 389
##It configures the LDAP search base which corresponds to the location of the LDAP phonebook.
##Example:ldap.base = dc=yealink,dc=cn.
##The default value is blank.
ldap.base = dc=domain,dc=com
##It configures the user name for accessing the LDAP server.
##The default value is blank.
ldap.user = uid=yealink_contacts,ou=users,dc=domain,dc=com
##It configures the password for accessing the LDAP server.
##The default value is blank.
ldap.password = *************
##It configures the maximum of the search results returned by the LDAP server to be displayed.
##The default value is 50.Integer from 1 to 32000.
ldap.max_hits = 500
##It configures the name attributes of each record to be returned by the LDAP server.
##Multiple attributes are separated by spaces.Example:ldap.name_attr =sn cn.
##The default value is blank.
ldap.name_attr = cn
##It configures the number attributes of each record to be returned by the LDAP server.
##Multiple attributes are separated by spaces.Example:ldap.numb_attr = Mobile ipPhone.
##The default value is blank.
ldap.numb_attr = SIPIdentityVoipUserAlias mobile telephoneNumber departmentNumber pager SIPIdentityDefaultPhone
##It configures the display name of the contact record displayed on the LCD screen. The value of this parameter must start with ¡°%¡± symbol.
##Example:ldap.display_name = %cn
##The default value is blank.
ldap.display_name = %cn
##It configures the LDAP version.
##The default value is 3.
ldap.version = 3
##It enables or disables the phone to perform an LDAP search when receiving an incoming call.
##The default value is 0.
ldap.call_in_lookup = 1
##It enables or disables the phone to sort the search results in alphabetical order or numerical order.
##The default value is 0.
ldap.ldap_sort = 1
##It is the electricity + start, automatic search + 00 the beginning and the beginning of the numbe
##The default value is 0.(0-Disable,1-Enable )(Except T19P/T21P Models)
ldap.incoming_call_special_search.enable =
##The default value is 0,value of 0 to 2, respectively the ldap, ldap + StarTLS and ldaps
ldap.tls_mode = 
ldap.call_out_lookup =

IPBrick Contacts

ldap.enable = 1
ldap.name_filter = (|(cn=%)(sn=%))
ldap.number_filter = (|(telephoneNumber=%)(Mobile=%)(IPBrickPhone=%)) =
ldap.port = 389
ldap.base = ou=Contacts,dc=domain,dc=com
ldap.user = uid=yealink_contacts,Ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com
ldap.password = *************
ldap.max_hits = 300
ldap.name_attr = cn displayName
ldap.numb_attr = Mobile IPBrickPhone telephoneNumber
ldap.display_name = %cn
ldap.version = 3
ldap.call_in_lookup = 0
ldap.ldap_sort = 0