How to handle prefixes on IPBrick
The prefixes inserted in any of these outbound routes shall be automatically available for SIP telephones and for telephones connected to PBX.
These are all the available options (advanced):
- Route name: This field is merely informative and you can type here, for example, your operator's name;
- Prefix-Number Pattern: Both fields define the destination's number format that enables you to make calls by using this route. The Prefix will be a number and for the Number Pattern you may use this syntax:
X matches any digit from 0-9 Z matches any digit from 1-9 N matches any digit from 2-9 [1237-9] matches any digit or letter in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9) [a-z] matches any lower case letter [A-Z] matches any UPPER case letter . wildcard, matches one or more characters ! wildcard, matches zero (none) or more characters immediately
- Include prefix in address: If it's set to YES (option by default), the number inserted in the prefix will be dialed and if it's set to NO, that same number will be removed;
- Postrouting prefix: It's a prefix added by the IPBrick when the number is received. E.g: For the Portuguese PSTN network we use the format 2XXXXXXXX. If we use a SIP account route as main route, it's necessary to use prefix 2, include prefix in address and use a postrouting prefix with 00351 (351 is the portuguese international code).
Configuration example
Imagine that we have a prefix configured as follows:
Route name: MyTSIP
prefix: 2 | Pattern: XXXXXXXX
Include prefix in address: Yes
Postrouting prefix: 00351
Considering this configuration, an outbound call whose destination number starts by 2 and has 8 more digits, will be sent by the route MyTISP, the prefix 2 will be kept and it will also be added a prefix 00351 to the originally dialed number.