How to handle prefixes on IPBrick

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The prefixes inserted in any of these outbound routes shall be automatically available for SIP telephones and for telephones connected to PBX.

These are all the available options (advanced):

  • Route name: This field is merely informative and you can type here, for example, your operator's name;
  • Prefix-Number Pattern: Both fields define the destination's number format that enables you to make calls by using this route. The Prefix will be a number and for the Number Pattern you may use this syntax:
   X matches any digit from 0-9
   Z matches any digit from 1-9
   N matches any digit from 2-9
   [1237-9] matches any digit or letter in the brackets
   (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9)
   [a-z] matches any lower case letter
   [A-Z] matches any UPPER case letter
   . wildcard, matches one or more characters
   ! wildcard, matches zero (none) or more characters immediately
  • Include prefix in address: If it's set to YES (option by default), the number inserted in the prefix will be dialed and if it's set to NO, that same number will be removed;
  • Postrouting prefix: It's a prefix added by the IPBrick when the number is received. E.g: For the Portuguese PSTN network we use the format 2XXXXXXXX. If we use a SIP account route as main route, it's necessary to use prefix 2, include prefix in address and use a postrouting prefix with 00351 (351 is the portuguese international code).

Configuration example

Imagine that we have a prefix configured as follows:

Route name: MyTSIP
prefix: 2 | Pattern: XXXXXXXX
Include prefix in address: Yes
Postrouting prefix: 00351

Considering this configuration, an outbound call whose destination number starts by 2 and has 8 more digits, will be sent by the route MyTISP, the prefix 2 will be kept and it will also be added a prefix 00351 to the originally dialed number.